
CCL Advanced Glutathione™ with NAC Spray Supplement | Mother of All Antioxidants

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$ 24.99 $34.77

CCL Advanced Glutathione™ with NAC Spray Supplement | Mother of All Antioxidants


Janae K., Advanced Glutathione Customer

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$ 24.99 $34.77
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Boost your immune system with our scientifically superior glutathione spray!

A powerful antioxidant that's easy to take and avoids being degraded in the digestive system. CCL Advanced Glutathione neutralizes free radicals, fights infections, and helps prevent sickness.

CCL Advanced Glutathione® Extra Strength (2oz Bottle)

What is CCL Advanced Glutathione® Extra Strength?

Glutathione is a small molecule found in all your cells, including in your immune system. A powerful antioxidant, it fights infections and neutralizes free radicals, which help keep your body healthy and allow you to participate in your daily activities more effectively. As with many nutritional elements, it is sometimes difficult to ensure your body has enough glutathione.

Who should use CCL Advanced Glutathione® Extra Strength?

Anyone can benefit from this product, but you should consider regular use if you:

  • Have a serious or chronic disease that directly affects your cells, especially their ability to neutralize free radicals.
  • Have a poor diet or history of poor eating habits, as this decreases your natural glutathione.
  • Use any medications that deplete your levels of glutathione or other crucial nutrients.
  • Do not exercise regularly or have a condition that prevents regular exercise. Sedentary lifestyles deplete nutrients such as glutathione.

What will this product do for me?
Most of us try to live as healthy a lifestyle as possible. However, some bodies are better able to withstand germs and toxins than others are. Ask yourself how often you feel ill, especially first thing in the morning or before going to bed at night. This may happen because your body doesn’t have enough glutathione. You may also need a glutathione supplement if you:

  • Consistently go into work sick because you can’t afford to miss a day or can’t take paid sick leave.
  • Struggle to focus on tasks at work or school.
  • End up penalized for lack of focus – for example, your supervisor or clients notice your work quality is down or you get poor grades in classes.
  • Consistently feel fatigued, even if you had adequate sleep the night before.
  • Experience symptoms of toxins in your body, such as aches and pains or irritability.

CCL Advanced Glutathione® Extra Strength may:

  • Increase your energy
  • >
  • Help you maintain fo

    These claims have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
    This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

    cus at work or school, which could improve the quality of your work
  • Decrease aches, pains, and other physical symptoms of depleted glutathione
  • Decrease your chances of illness, meaning you might not have to miss work or take valuable leave days for minor sicknesses
  • Help you get better quality sleep at night
  • Help your body’s cells run more smoothly, ridding them of common toxins.

People who use CCL Advanced Glutathione® Extra Strength have also reported benefits such as:

  • Improvement in cardiovascular health
  • Quicker recovery time from illnesses, as well as lessening of chronic disease symptoms
  • Stress reduction
  • Improved muscle growth
  • Improved athletic performance
  • Does CCL Advanced Glutathione® Extra Strength truly work?
  • Some medical experts doubt glutathione supplements can do all this, but our research indicates it is beneficial. Physicians on our team have conducted extensive research, indicating that our glutathione supplement is the leading one of its kind on the market today. It will help promote superior health and the prevention of several common diseases.

CCL Advanced Glutathione® Extra Strength wins praise for its “unsurpassed technology” in the world of supplements. Our team of doctors, as well as many other physicians, promises fast, effective, and lasting results for all who use our product. Doctors report satisfaction and improved health in patients using glutathione. By selectively supplementing their natural glutathione with our extra-strength product, patients have optimized their naturally occurring glutathione levels and maintained healthy oxidative stress levels.

Is this product difficult to use?

Many people shy away from using supplements because they don’t want to keep up with dozens of pills or because some supplements are a pain to use. CCL Advanced Glutathione® Extra Strength is not a pill. You don’t have to stir it into drinks, take it with meals, or follow any other special protocol.

Our glutathione supplement is a remarkably effective intra-oral spray. It tastes great and fits in your purse, wallet, or pocket. Simply spray the supplement into your mouth and go about your daily tasks. Your glutathione levels will increase 10% in about 7 hours. For best results, give the spray ample time to work; use it in the morning before heading to work or school.

Professional Singer Bradley Mckee used Advanced Glutathione to cure a vocal polyp!

Check out his full story here:

These claims have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.


Daily Dose: Take 6 sprays by mouth, 2-3 times daily

Do not eat or drink for 2 minutes following.


Take as recommended by your physician.


Advanced Dose: Take 12 sprays by mouth, 4 times daily.

For best results, give the spray ample time to work; use it in the morning before heading to work or school.


Store at room temperature. Does not require refrigeration.



Advanced Uses

Put the full bottle of Advanced Glutathione in a FULLY filled nebulizer for inhalation.

These claims have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

Feel the boost of having a healthier immune system.

Dubbed "The Mother of All Antioxidants," glutathione is vital to sustaining health and wellness.

Free radicals are unstable molecules that, left unchecked, can set off dangerous and damaging chain reactions in our bodies. This is known as oxidative stress and can contribute to fatigue, memory loss, muscle and joint pain, increased susceptibility to neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer's and Parkinson's, and more.

Glutathione is uniquely structured to be able to stabilize free radicals without becoming unstable itself, making it the ideal free radical-destroyer.

No more painful injections or annoying pills.

Our revolutionary spray delivery system allows for both maximum absorbency and convenience.

Instead of being degraded in the digestive system like pills or powders, Advanced Glutathione is absorbed directly into the bloodstream through the membranes of the mouth. So not only is our product extraordinarily easy to take, but it's more effective than the alternatives. Why? Because when swallowed the stomach breaks down glutathione into it's individual peptides, thus rendering it useless.

When absorbed through the walls of the mouth, it enters the bloodstream as the complete glutathione complex!

"The Mother of All Antioxidants" in its most potent form.

Advanced Glutathione is designed to be the easiest to take, most effective glutathione supplement available. Our spray bottle design allows our glutathione to be taken in seconds and absorbed in the mouth, avoiding being largely destroyed in the digestive system like pills and powders. Advanced Glutathione tastes great, is simple to take, and your body will thank you for it.

What is Glutathione?

Glutathione is a molecule found in all your cells, but it decreases with age and exposure to toxins and environmental factors. This decrease can lead to increased frequency and severity of sickness, slower recoveries, lower energy, increased oxidative stress and more.



Daily Dose: Take 6 sprays by mouth, 2-3 times daily
Do not eat or drink for 2 minutes following.
Take as recommended by your physician.

Advanced Dose: Take 12 sprays by mouth, 4 times daily.
For best results, give the spray ample time to work; use it in the morning before heading to work or school.
Store at room temperature. Does not require refrigeration.

Advanced Uses
Put the full bottle of Advanced Glutathione in a FULLY filled nebulizer for inhalation.

These claims have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

These claims have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

Customer Reviews

Based on 102 reviews
Brittany Harris (Kapaa, US)
Keeping me well!

I have a housekeeping business. I am concerned about being exposed to viruses and bacteria as well as toxic chemicals. I decided to add glutathione to my regimen. I feel like it has really enhanced my wellness routine! I’m am so happy I purchased and I will continue to purchase.

Rose (Kernersville, US)
Gray hair gone bye bye

I’ve purchased the glutathione for myself and 2 family members. We have some pretty intensive health concerns we’re trying to solve, so the jury is still out on how well it’s working, but we do see some positive changes. My brother who suffers from Parkinson’s can now sleep through the night. This is actually pretty huge. I myself and one other sibling are seeing our gray hair disappear. This is also huge and is helping make them believers.

Amber B (Ashburn, US)

My family has the MTHFR gene mutation. We've had to take various glutathione supplements, and this one has been best overall for taste, cost, and effectiveness.
We've been nothing but impressed with CCL's quality. They are reasonably priced, especially considering we used to pay $100 per tube of glutathione per month times two people. Now we pay less than $100 total for 3 of us to take it. Plus it is in the form of a sublingual spray, which helps tremendously. We used to have issues taking the "goop" because of the nauseating taste and texture. Thanks CCL

Emily Van Houten (Tallahassee, US)
Great Product!

Fast, effective way to supplement Glutathione for MTHFR gene mutation. My kids don't mind the taste,

Meagan (North Port, US)
This is still the one!

I have used the CCL Advanced Glutathione Spray for several years now. I keep two 8 oz bottles: one with my supplements for 10 sprays with AM and Dinner pills. The other I keep in the bathroom by our toothbrushes and after we brush our teeth at night we give a quick 10 sprays. I have tried liposomal glutathione, and I take a few precursers to glutathione production, like NAC, but I prefer the liquid CCL version. I am a poor detoxer and so I am selective about what I use to facilitate the process. My only concern is the price increase as its already a large expense out of a budget that is shrinking, not increasing. The price might be a show stopper at some point so I look for their coupons and sales.


Q. How much glutathione is in one serving?

A. 2,000 mcg of glutathione per serving, total of 120 mg per 2 oz. bottle

Q. Are the ingredients of pharmaceutical grade?

A. L-Glutathione is USP (United States Pharmacopeia) grade. All ingredients are laboratory tested for purity, identity, and potency.

Q. What are the ingredients?

A. L- Glutathione (Reduced), Acetyl L- Carnitine, Alpha Lipoic Acid, Ascorbic Acid, Ashwaganda extract, L-Glutamine, N-Acetyl L-Cysteine, Natural Minerals, Panax Notoginseng extract, Rosa Roxburghii extract. Other ingredients: Ultra pure deionixed water, Benzyl alcohol, Citric Acid, Peppermint oil.

Q. How much of the following ingredients are in Advanced Glutathione? Ashwaganda, Glutamine, NAC.

A. Ashwaganda Extract (10:1) - 150 mcg NAC - 140 mcg Glutamine - 140 mcg Ascorbic Acid - 0.14 mg/serving

Q. What is the particle size of the Glutathione?

A. Particle size is in the range of 1.4-2.0 nm.

Q. Does this contain soy?

A. Advanced Glutathione is soy and gluten-free!

Q. Does this product need refrigeration?

A. It does not need to be refrigerated but it should not be allowed to get HOT (don't leave it in your car for example). It can also be stored at room temperature.

Q. Is this product S-acetyl glutathione, liposomal, reduced glutathione, or just plain glutathione in spray form?

A. It is a Reduced Glutathione, 2 formulations. Our glutathione is the only glutathione supplement formulated in nanopure water, and engineered to absorb quickly into the bloodstream, unlike pills and liposomal liquids which take longer and don't make it to their target!

Q. Is CCL Advanced Glutathione GMO-free?

A. Yes, all ingredients of our Advanced Glutathione are non-GMO.

Q. How many days supply is one bottle of Advanced Glutathione?

A. Daily dose is 6 sprays twice a day (30 days in a 2 oz bottle, 60 in 4 oz). Advanced dosage is 12 sprays twice a day, so half the number of days of the 2 oz bottle.

Q. Are there any chemical additives or preservatives in Advanced Glutathione?

A. There are no chemical additives nor preservatives. It is all-natural.

Q. I am allergic to sulphur, can I take Advanced Glutathione?

A. It would most likely cause an allergic reaction as Sulphur is found in the amino acid group of Glutathione.

Q. Can it be used as a nasal spray?

A. It is not intended to be used as a nasal spray as it doesn't have a mister but you can spray in the nose.

Q. How to store Advanced Glutathione?

A. Room temperature is fine. It is best to not allow it to get Hot (over 105 F)

Q. How long do you hold it in your mouth?

A. We recommend holding the liquid in your mouth for 20 seconds. Wait 2 minutes before you eat or drink.

Q. Is this dose equivalent to a 500 mg dose of glutathione (liquid form)?

A. It is a lot more potent than a 500 mg dose of glutathione because the absorption technology covers the whole surface of the cell. Just having it in Liquid format does not mean you will absorb it any better than a pill, capsule or powder. It will still have to get digested in the gut and most (if not all) will be destroyed. Advanced Glutathione provides submucosal absorption and immediate bioavailability, providing maximum uptake and utilization at the cellular level.

Q. For whitening purposes, should the dosage be increased?

A. That is just a side effect of Glutathione, you will have to experiment to determine which dose works best.

Q. Is this veggie-derived product?

A. Advanced Glutathione does not contain any animal products and is safe to use for Vegan/Vegetarian customers!

Q. Is this bioavailable as liposomal formulations?

A. Our product has a patented technology for absorption. Most likely it is more bioavailable, but we don't have enough info on all liposomal products to say one way or the other.

Q. Is there any trace of alcohol in this product, either grain or ethanol?

A. No. There is no alcohol contained in our glutathione spray.

Q. Is this item Kosher?

A. Yes it is Kosher. We are in the process of getting it certified.

Q. Does it contain mint? it doesn't say so on the label, but reviews mention a minty taste.

A. Mint Flavoring is added to the formula.

Q. What is the minimum age allowed to take this product?

A. 18 and older is what we recommend. We can not recommend it for people that are under that age. However, there is nothing in it that will hurt a child.

Q. If the product is left outside (in a mailbox) and is warm, is it damaged or denatured?

A. As long as the product is not heated above 115 degrees Fahrenheit for more than 8 hours it will be fine, even though it may feel hot when you received your product, it is very hard for a mailbox to exceed 115 degrees for that amount of time. Be sure to store your product at room temperature for maximum efficacy!



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